Yummy Jelly Cubes in Hong Kong
I’m still in Hong Kong and I’m still having fun. I’m done toy shopping, though, because I bought a suitcase on the streets of Hong Kong and then proceeded to pack it tight with toys. I may have room for a few more capsule toys, but there’s no way I’m getting anything else big.

I’m still loading pics into my Hong Kong set at Flickr, and it’s everything from toy photos to shots of the city. I love the signs in this city.

I know that once I get home I’ll need to write a proper report covering my toy experiences here in Hong Kong, but for now you can always check the Steve Jackson Games website for more of my thoughts on my visit. I’ve posted three times this week over at the company blog, each time covering the work-side of the visit (and some of the general touristy stuff).
I’m off to my next meeting. More later.
Ooh, Gaiking.
Are those like Jelly Babies? If so you can probably fight off a Dalek attack.