Zartan Zaturday – Spotted Online – Plush Zartan!

Ready for the cute? Kittyzilla crafted this cute Plush Zartan a few years ago, but thanks to the wonders of the internet we can still enjoy the customized plush toy today. See the large photo of the plush toy at Flickr.

Source: Super Punch.
For more Zartan Zaturday action please be sure to visit: A Year of Toys, Adventures in Nerdliness, Branded in the 80s, Dan’s Toy Museum, Electorama, Geek Orthodox, Revenge from the Cosmic Ark, and Toyriffic.
Wow, a Zartan you can hug. Now that I’m thinking about it, I bet a bunch of plush Dreaknoks would be pretty awesome…
Zat iz zo zweet!
Soft, cuddly, and schizophrenic! AWESOME!!!