“Zoids: Get Mobilized.”
Exactly how many times have toymakers tried to make this line work in the U.S.? I’ve lost track, but I think we can safely say at this time that the Zoids series (find at Amazon.com*) just doesn’t work for the mainstream American audience. Maybe if we got an awesome animated series or movie things would look up, but even then I suspect that unless the concept of kits was dropped completely Zoids toys wouldn’t see any significant success. That’s too bad, even though it’s nice that toymakers have kept trying.
Oh? This? This is a Zoids ad from Hasbro from way back in 2002. You know, back when we had magazines like ToyFare in stores to help show us what was new and cool in the world of action figures. I guess these days we use the web for that . . . but I still miss toy magazines.

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There was a cartoon series for (I believe) this line. I caught a few random episodes and it didn’t seem horrible.
I was surprised recently by the disappearance of action figure magazines on the racks. A favorite pastime was to spend an evening at Barnes and Nobles looking through various magazines, toy ones being a favorite. I wasn’t sure if this was just a local disappearance, if the chain stopped carrying them, or if they went under. All would be a disappointment.
Never got into these at all, but always thought they looked cool.